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2017-01-25 january
Cemetery & Parks Meeting
January 25, 2017
Kimball House

The meeting was opened at 7:30PM present were, John Barrett, Tubby Boucher, Roger Rapoza, Drew Funk  and Pam Haman.

Deed: none to sign.  Pam did explain about the new deed book, that it was a cost effective way.  Book cost a $102.00 that the deeds would be easier to photo or scan as needed.  That once the book was completed it could then be permanently bound.  John was uneasy at first but understood the reasoning.  John Barrett made a motion to accept the deed book all were in favor motion carried.

Bills were reviewed and approved.

Minutes from the January 3, 2017 were reviewed.  John Barrett made a motion to accept the minutes all were in favor motion carried

The Annual report was read and amended to add the number of burials. John will review to see if other additional information or changes should be added such as further explaining department duties and functions.

Goals and Objectives:  The department has many upcoming  projects including Columbarium’s, irrigation systems and water lines, seeding, flag poles, tree removal/pruning, as well as the normal ongoing maintenance and up keep of the parks and cemeteries for the upcoming fiscal year.
Seasonal help, Roger would like to hire another seasonal worker (19 hrs) to replace the personnel that have moved on.  Roger explained that many of the department’s goals are labor intensive and will require man power to complete.  A job posting for seasonal labor will be posted at town hall.
Outdoor maintenance at municipal buildings, Roger explained the difficulty of keeping up with the task that were required as well as the level of landscaping expertise that some grounds needed. John felt that a meeting should be scheduled with Jim Kreidler to further discuss the issues.  

Superintendent Reports:  
Roger stated that the organizational chart has been tabled by the Board of Selectmen for now as other departments/commissioners were looking for more clarification.

The next meeting is scheduled for February 13, 2017 at 7PM.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:50PM.


Pam Haman